Monday, December 3, 2012

I love doing what I do :)

Have you ever looked back and thought, “It’s December already! Where did the time go?” Well that’s what I did just recently as in, in the past 2 days ;)

But it’s true! Time has flown by. Three months ago we were just starting the CSBS and now we are almost done a third of the school! It’s hard to believe and it’s been a lot of work.  I’ve had to relearn some things, but it has been an excellent experience so far! To be honest, I think my appreciation for the Bible has only grown! In my studies, I have been reading and thinking about the effect of the Bible, and let me just say that it excites me when I think about the possibilities that can come out of a school that is totally focused on teaching Truth to students and the community. Our students have been doing so great in the school and have loved it so far! It has been great to see them jumping up and down and excited about the Bible! So many Christians today think that the Bible is dull and boring (I know from personal experience) but it is full of life and real stories that are everything but dull and boring!

So 3 months down and 6 to go :) But it will be a great 6 months! More stories, more prophets, more studies, and more truth that is going to be spread. That is what it’s all about - the Truth. That is what I want to teach and be transformed by. When people have a relationship with God and study His Word, how can they not receive God’s Truth? And when they get Truth, then they can’t help but be transformed by it. This is followed by the desire to share Truth with others. 

What’s so important about God’s Truth? It can change the world! Just look at history! Look at what Jesus did with the teaching of 12 disciples...(well I guess I would really only count 11). They helped change the course of the world! Then look at John Wycliff, William Tyndall, and Martin Luther. These men translated the Bible into common language, which changed the course of their countries and ultimately the entire Western World. Because the masses had the Bible translated into English in England by men like Wycliff and Tyndall the entire government shifted to reflect a system based on Biblical principles. And then when William Wilberforce came around, he was able to shift it even more in line with Biblical principles through the abolition of slavery in the English world. This is huge! An entire country was altered because people had studied God’s word, received a Biblical perspective, and applied it to their lives, work place, and country, which ultimately changed! 

This can still happen today! People can still know God’s Word for themselves, and from it know Truth and change the course of history by applying God’s Truth to their lives, their workplace, and their nations. This is what we were called to do! To be Christ like and to let our light shine! That’s what Wycliff, Tyndall, Luther, and Wilberforce did and you can too!

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