It seems like God is never finished teaching us new lessons and leading us down new paths. Well, just recently I felt like God gave me a new challenge. Would I be willing to face hardships and trials in life or will I simply take the easy way around hardships? The hard way would bring me into a closer relationship with Jesus, where as the easy way may just keep me where I am. Would there be a new substance or a depth to my relationship with Jesus if I took the easy way? Through the hard way a reliance, a desperation, and a need for the Jesus is produced, but will this be produced through the easy way? It may be produced, but not to the extent of the hard way.
In case you were wondering, I chose the hard way. I have been on a journey of discovery lately and what I'm discovering is that the only thing that really truly matters is Jesus. The only thing that is worthwhile is my relationship with Jesus. I've known this in my head for many years but now it has begun to trickle down into my heart. I may be able to do many things but if my focus is not centered on Jesus, what is the point? What greater reason to live is there than to have a relationship with Jesus? I can seek after a job, a career, a house, a family, power, money and many other things. These things can be good but what are they without Jesus? They will all pass away and they can all change. But the one thing that I believe is secure is Jesus, is our God, He who loves us and will never leave us, this is who I live my life for. Sometimes I complain and sometimes I cry because things are tough, but the greatest comfort is knowing that God is always there. Always. At times I've felt alone, but I now know that all I need to do is shift my focus from myself to Jesus.
This path I'm choosing, this hard way, can bring a deep relationship that will last for eternity! Eternity! What an idea! What is 60-90 years of life on earth compared to an eternity? It doesn't compare! I would much rather spend my time here on earth seeking after something worthwhile that will last an eternity, than for the things that will pass away. Whats better than a relationship with the God who is God of heaven and earth and time itself!
Oh Brodie....I so very much agree with you! If only everyone knew what we know. That is why we must tell them!