Saturday, February 26, 2011


I've been learning a lot about missions over the past couple weeks. Our God is a missionary God. And our God desires us to reach our neighbor in the house next door and the country across the ocean. So considering this, I've been learning how to reach the nations in a more effective way. How does this happen? Well I've learned that it doesn't involve people conforming to a western way of doing things. The Gospel fits in every culture because it was made for everyone. The Gospel will not change, it has not changed. The message is the same, Jesus.
Jesus meets people where they are at, in the culture they are in. People do not need to become westernized to become Christian. This is part of my motivation for doing a Spanish school. I finally have enough time to take the annual language school in Tijuana. So pray for me as I will be immersed in Spanish 5 days a week for 8 hours a day!
Learning Spanish has been an ongoing thing for me over the past 2 years. I really hope that learning a second language will better equip me to share the Gospel to the nations. I've learned that being a Christian isn't about me, it isn't about being Canadian, it isn't about being a missionary. Being Christian is all about God's Kingdom. Everything else comes second, and I want to be part of those who bring more people into God's Kingdom.


  1. Awesome, Brodie! You're going to feel (a) overwhelmed, (b) growing more hopeful as the class goes on, and (c) really glad you did it once it's over!

    And if you're like me, you're going to want to do the 2nd level next year. :)

  2. woo hoo Brodster! I am so excited for you :)

    p.s. - your mission from me will be how to say "panini" or a similar sandwich in spanish...and I'll learn it in french. This way we can have multi-lingual nicknames for one another.

    p.p.s. - this is very well written, I am so proud of my brother.
