Saturday, February 26, 2011


I've been learning a lot about missions over the past couple weeks. Our God is a missionary God. And our God desires us to reach our neighbor in the house next door and the country across the ocean. So considering this, I've been learning how to reach the nations in a more effective way. How does this happen? Well I've learned that it doesn't involve people conforming to a western way of doing things. The Gospel fits in every culture because it was made for everyone. The Gospel will not change, it has not changed. The message is the same, Jesus.
Jesus meets people where they are at, in the culture they are in. People do not need to become westernized to become Christian. This is part of my motivation for doing a Spanish school. I finally have enough time to take the annual language school in Tijuana. So pray for me as I will be immersed in Spanish 5 days a week for 8 hours a day!
Learning Spanish has been an ongoing thing for me over the past 2 years. I really hope that learning a second language will better equip me to share the Gospel to the nations. I've learned that being a Christian isn't about me, it isn't about being Canadian, it isn't about being a missionary. Being Christian is all about God's Kingdom. Everything else comes second, and I want to be part of those who bring more people into God's Kingdom.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Season. Back to Basics.

God has taught me so much over the past year. But I think one of the biggest things that I've learned is the importance of sharing the Gospel. Sharing God's word is incredibly important for everyone who is a Christian. So even though I feel like I'm stepping into a new season of my life I am also stepping back to help out a ministry that I have helped in the past. I've been able to share Bible stories for the past 2 weeks at Circulo Andante (or Walking Circle in English). It is a program for kids that YWAM runs twice a week in a community called Antorcha. It's pretty fun when you get kids who are old enough to think that they are to cool for Bible stories. I kinda hope that I wasn't like that when I was a kid. This past week the kids got to hear the story of Gideon and they all got to be involved. 3 kids representing 300 got to chase 20-30 kids representing thousands. It was pretty fun as well as a little chaotic.

I've been challenged over the past year to not only just live out the Word of God but to share it with others. Which is part of the reason why I started sharing Bible stories with the kids at Circulo...also I love the ministry and the kids as well:)

I used to be a firm believer of the saying "preach the gospel, if necessary use words." But not so any more. I know that our actions are meant to be loving and are meant to glorify God but our words should be as well. If we are meant to obey what Jesus commanded us to do then we are to preach, and teach also. Preaching and teaching involve words. We can only go so far showing the love of God just by our actions, it must involve words to bring further understanding. I have realized this and have been challenged by it. I'm not always comfortable but I've asked the question, whats more important? My comfort or the Gospel? I would have to go with the Gospel!