Have you ever wondered how you ended up where you are? What people have influenced you and what situations that have changed your life to help get you where you are now. As I look back in my own life I can definitely see God’s influence in my life. The doors he’s opened and opportunities he has lead me to, are really amazing. I can’t help but be thankful for what he has done.
At the same time I have trouble not being overwhelmed. I know God has called me to be here in Mexico and to be in a position of leadership. I know that God is with me and that through Him all things are possible but sometimes I can’t help but feel overwhelmed. I have to admit that I never really desired to be in a leadership position, I always preferred following. It was easier. But here I am, soon going to be leading a school! I am scared, nervous and excited and usually all at the same time. At night it’s hard for me to turn my brain off from work things, off from the school. Since I started planning for the school I had said that I wanted God at the center. I wanted God to be the focus of the school. Now I find myself being tested and I must admit I haven’t been the best example for keeping God as the center. In my own life I have had to shift my focus from the school back to God. I don’t even know when it happened or how but without me noticing my focus had shifted from God to the BCC. I want to do everything with excellence; it was how I was taught as a child. But I don’t want my work to consume my life which would cause my relationship with God take second place. If my reputation suffers because I spent time with God rather than working on the school or something else then that’s fine by me. I would much rather disappoint people than God.
I haven’t completely learned how to do this but I know that it’s in process.
Thanks for the encouragement Brodie - I can definitely relate!!