Last week I had the privileged of teaching the book of Hebrews to the Biblical Core Course. It was a great experience, one that I hope to repeat in the future. I can honestly tell you that in the beginning of the planning stages of the school I had decided to teach a book mainly because of budget reasons. But as I began to study the book of Hebrews it amazed me, encouraged me, and simplified things for me. I had already enjoyed the book of Hebrews but once I began to prepare to teach it I fell in love with it. It's amazing how that can happen when you dig in and seek the Lord.
Hebrews is all about Jesus. If I was too sum it up in one word it would be Jesus. Maybe it's the fact that Hebrews is all about Jesus is why I loved it so much. I think many times we can get distracted by different issues which may be Godly but shouldn't be our focus. I believe our focus should be on Jesus which is what the book of Hebrews says in the big picture view. From our focus on Jesus comes, helping the poor, teaching children, evangelizing, and so on.

God kicked me in the butt and I can happily say that I'm refocused on my future with Christ and am not looking back to what could have been. God knows what He is doing and I am looking forward to what's coming.
Thanks for reading and God Bless.