Monday, December 6, 2010


Last week I had the privileged of teaching the book of Hebrews to the Biblical Core Course. It was a great experience, one that I hope to repeat in the future. I can honestly tell you that in the beginning of the planning stages of the school I had decided to teach a book mainly because of budget reasons. But as I began to study the book of Hebrews it amazed me, encouraged me, and simplified things for me. I had already enjoyed the book of Hebrews but once I began to prepare to teach it I fell in love with it. It's amazing how that can happen when you dig in and seek the Lord.
Hebrews is all about Jesus. If I was too sum it up in one word it would be Jesus. Maybe it's the fact that Hebrews is all about Jesus is why I loved it so much. I think many times we can get distracted by different issues which may be Godly but shouldn't be our focus. I believe our focus should be on Jesus which is what the book of Hebrews says in the big picture view. From our focus on Jesus comes, helping the poor, teaching children, evangelizing, and so on.
I've learned a lot over the past couple months when I was preparing for last week. And I think I can say that a few things were challenged in my life. Hebrews speaks to Hebrew Christians who were having doubt's about Jesus, they were drifting away and struggling in their faith. They began to look back at the Old Covenant, The Law. They began to think "maybe I was wrong about Jesus, maybe the old way is better". They began to look back at what used to be their life instead of looking forward to the future of a life with Christ. As I was studying, this really stuck out for me. At the time I was desiring to go back to Canada, go to university and basically live the dream. But through my studies in Hebrews I realized that I was looking back at what could have been, what I could have. But that's not what God has called me too. God called me too Tijuana and I will be here until God says to leave. Now I'm not saying that my life or calling is any better than anyone else's. I believe that God has different callings on different people and all are vital.
God kicked me in the butt and I can happily say that I'm refocused on my future with Christ and am not looking back to what could have been. God knows what He is doing and I am looking forward to what's coming.
Thanks for reading and God Bless.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Sabbath

I've finally recognized the importance of a sabbath. You would think most people would love to have a day off and would fight to get their own day off but not me. It seems that I can always find something to do to keep myself busy for weeks and weeks on end but the other week it finally caught up to me. You would also think that seeing as I'm now part of a Bible school and living a missionary life that I would have gotten the need of a sabbath through my dense brain sooner,:) but better late than never.
The sabbath goes back to the beginning of time with God creating the world and everything in it. He rested after creation.
In Exodus we see the importance of the Sabbath in the ten commandments. Have you ever noticed which number the commandment for keeping the sabbath is? It's number 4! Before honoring your father and mother, not murder, committing adultery, stealing, false testimony, and coveting. That really proves how important the sabbath is!
I've been working hard for months now trying to keep ahead of the needs of this Bible school. But what I've been doing is running myself down, to the point of exhaustion. Last week I was in bed sick 4 out 7 days!
So I now realize the importance of the sabbath. It's seems like such a simply thing. I've come to realize that it has to do with trusting God. I can always find more work to do and with this school there is always something on my to do list but the sabbath is a commandment. Keeping it is obedience to God, and trusting in God's ability to get things done and not your own.
It's taken a long time for me to realize this.
Hopefully I remember it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What is Love?

What would you do if you were threatened to be put to death just because you were a Christian? What would you do if you had to face the lions?
Thats what the Christians of Rome, the readers of the Gospel of Mark faced. I wonder what it was that pushed them to put not only their lives on the line but their families as well?
Over the past few weeks as I've been leading the 3 month Bible school here in Tijuana God has been leading me on a journey. God gave me an oppurtunity to lead a school and to grow in Him and it's been amazing so far. Through the miscommunication, stress, and uncertainty I've seen that God is always with me and that I can rest, rely and trust in Him. I've grown up in the church and have heard this countless times before. But it's different when you learn it with your heart than when you learn it with just your mind. God's great, amazing love has not disappointed. Just like it never has and never will.
So what was it that encouraged the Christians of Rome not to throw in the towel when things got tough?
I think they had an understanding of how great God's love was for them. When I think about John 3:16, I mean truly think about it, I'm amazed! Who are we that God would let His only Son die for? Yes it shows love but the fact that the Creator of the Universe did it just makes it so much more amazing! The Creator of the Universe, who created me let His Son die for me so that He could have a relationship with me. That kind of love is so big, so grand that I think it's impossible to fully understand. Just realizing this though must have been encouraging to the Christians of Rome.
God's love is amazing and I am trying to let myself be changed by it. Love is God.
God Bless and talk to you later.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What does it take to keep your focus?

Have you ever wondered how you ended up where you are? What people have influenced you and what situations that have changed your life to help get you where you are now. As I look back in my own life I can definitely see God’s influence in my life. The doors he’s opened and opportunities he has lead me to, are really amazing. I can’t help but be thankful for what he has done.
At the same time I have trouble not being overwhelmed. I know God has called me to be here in Mexico and to be in a position of leadership. I know that God is with me and that through Him all things are possible but sometimes I can’t help but feel overwhelmed. I have to admit that I never really desired to be in a leadership position, I always preferred following. It was easier. But here I am, soon going to be leading a school! I am scared, nervous and excited and usually all at the same time. At night it’s hard for me to turn my brain off from work things, off from the school. Since I started planning for the school I had said that I wanted God at the center. I wanted God to be the focus of the school. Now I find myself being tested and I must admit I haven’t been the best example for keeping God as the center. In my own life I have had to shift my focus from the school back to God. I don’t even know when it happened or how but without me noticing my focus had shifted from God to the BCC. I want to do everything with excellence; it was how I was taught as a child. But I don’t want my work to consume my life which would cause my relationship with God take second place. If my reputation suffers because I spent time with God rather than working on the school or something else then that’s fine by me. I would much rather disappoint people than God.
I haven’t completely learned how to do this but I know that it’s in process.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

One Focus. One Goal

With about a month and a half to go until the Biblical Core Course I am excited to see how everything is going to pan out. I have sent e-mails, talked to many people, booked speakers, and have done a multitude of other things in preparation for this school. But the most important thing for me to remember while I work is that this school isn’t about how many students come, which speakers come or about who can do the inductive Bible study method correctly. This school is about relationship with Jesus Christ our God in Heaven and that’s it. The BCC does do a lot of work but it’s all meant to lead the student to a better understanding and relationship, of God. My hope is for the student to take the Bible and sort of use it as a telescope to learn about God.
In this present age it seems to be easy to get distracted and to get our priorities twisted but God has been showing me how much He wants this school to be all about Him and not about anything else. It’s pretty simple really, less of me and more of Him but even though it may seem simple it is incredibly important to stay in focus no matter how simplistic it may be.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back in Mexico

It was once weird to think of Mexico as home for me. But it truly has become like a second home. I will always love Canada and I will always carry it around in my heart. But I have grown more and more in love with Mexico. It may be because the people are super nice, or the food is amazing, I don't really know.
I have been back for almost 2 weeks and as you know I am preparing for the Bible school coming up. There are many new faces around base. A new DTS started in June which is exciting for the base. This September is going to mark a major moment in YWAM and for YWAM San Diego Baja. This year is the 50th anniversary of YWAM and we are having a celebration here in Tijuana. Many people are coming from around the world to celebrate with us and I am looking forward to it.
We are also running our very first Leadership Training School (LTS) here in Tijuana. The LTS is meant to train people how to be godly leaders. There will be over 70 students in the school and if you add their kids that means there will be about 100 people here in Tijuana for the LTS. That means that for every meal there will be between 150 to 200 people eating on base!
God has really been working here. When I first came in 2009 there was only 20 people at dinner for a few months but now it's odd to have less than 50. God has been exploding His ministry here and I am excited to see what He will do next. Thank you all for your support and prayers! God Bless and please remember to pray for us in the future!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Bible

As you read this I believe the majority of you have a love for the Bible. As a Christian I have the responsibility to read and study the Bible. I often read the Bible as a kid (mostly because my father, a pastor, made me)but I never really got a lot out of it. I would skim the pages in search of something for me, for then the moment. I used to think the Bible was boring and not interesting.
Now that I am an adult and I'd like to think more mature, whenever I read the Bible I read it because it is the word of God. I don't read it looking for a message or to see what God has for me now, in the moment but I read it simple because it is the Word of God. The Bible is inspired by God and I know that as Christians we often complain when we haven't heard God in awhile. I have complained that God has been silent in times when I have needed Him but what I didn't realize or fully understand is that there is an entire book full of the words of God. Those words are relevant and can speak to you in any circumstance. All I need to do is study them, read them, and do them. If the Bible is inspired by God then I should be reading the Bible for direction and growth. Of course God can speak outside the Bible but lets not forget the 1000s of years that God has spent putting together His word in one book for the benefit of us His followers.
I read the Bible today not to see what God has for me but simply because I want to hear His voice. To listen to His word and to spend time with Him. I want to read the Bible because it's inspired by God who created the world, all living beings. Who wouldn't want to read a book created by the creator of all things. He authored everything else so why not read the Bible. Their is a grand and exciting story in the Bible and I pray that I myself and all of you would have a larger passion for the word of God.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


The sound of raindrops outside the feel of humidity in the air. Yes I am still in Hawaii! How do I get so lucky? Serving God definately has it's perks. But there is the occasional, sometimes more frequent, difficulty. But with this post we'll just stick with the positive:)
Less than one month left to go in the Bible course. I am proud of how far the students have come and how much they have learned. They have really worked hard and have gotten a lot of understanding from the time spent in the word. I myself have learned a lot with grading, staffing a ywam school and speaking for a week. I had the chance to teach an Old Testament overveiw with Will a fellow staff member. It was a great experince and I really got to see a lot of God's character more clearly. I think the biggest thing that I learned was how BIG God's love is for us.....there are no words to describe it really other than it's impossible for mankind to fully understand the depth of God's love for us, His creation! It blows me away again and again whenever I look at the exodus or the kings and how God's chosen people constantly turned their back on Him and yet He still chose to love them. He still choses to love us even when we screw up again and again and make the same mistake over and over again. Out God is truly amazing and is worthy of our love in return.

I love the 3 month ywam Bible course. It is a great oppurtunity to dig in and focus totally on the Bible. I would highly recomend it to anyone who has done a DTS. You get to learn so much about the Bible using the inductive Bible Study method. I know this is a pitch for the BCC but thats ok:) Seeing as I'll be leading the next school in Tijuana this September I would love to see you come. God Bless and I hope to see you there!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

First time being an A builder!!

“I’ve got a secret. This was my first time being an A builder.”
I said this, this past weekend at the dedication of house build that I had the privilege of leading for the first time. I was pretty nervous as you can imagine! Before the team arrived I planned, asked many questions, prayed, hoped for the best and lost some sleep. Many of my questions had to do with doing the electrical. I’ve never done any electrical before so I was a little nervous going in. The team was from Orange County California and they built 4 houses here in the Tijuana area. There were more than 20 people on the team that I lead and they were from the ages of 10 to 60. Families who came down to serve and to have a family experience together. The family we built for consisted of a mother her grown son who is married and a sister. The married couple had some hard times. She was very pregnant and he just had an emergency surgery to have his appendix removed. So they both needed help getting around.
Thanks to the team from Orange County they got a brand new house with tight corners and a leak proof roof! Praise God. And God answered my prayers and their turned out to be an electrical engineer on the team so all the electrical was done right! I suppose this was the first of many more A builder jobs for me. The best part was that during the dedication it started raining. A christening of the house kinda.

Since then however is hasn’t stopped raining! We have had 4 days of rainy and stormy weather with power outages here and there. It’s been an interesting couple days!