I've finally recognized the importance of a sabbath. You would think most people would love to have a day off and would fight to get their own day off but not me. It seems that I can always find something to do to keep myself busy for weeks and weeks on end but the other week it finally caught up to me. You would also think that seeing as I'm now part of a Bible school and living a missionary life that I would have gotten the need of a sabbath through my dense brain sooner,:) but better late than never.
The sabbath goes back to the beginning of time with God creating the world and everything in it. He rested after creation.
In Exodus we see the importance of the Sabbath in the ten commandments. Have you ever noticed which number the commandment for keeping the sabbath is? It's number 4! Before honoring your father and mother, not murder, committing adultery, stealing, false testimony, and coveting. That really proves how important the sabbath is!
I've been working hard for months now trying to keep ahead of the needs of this Bible school. But what I've been doing is running myself down, to the point of exhaustion. Last week I was in bed sick 4 out 7 days!
So I now realize the importance of the sabbath. It's seems like such a simply thing. I've come to realize that it has to do with trusting God. I can always find more work to do and with this school there is always something on my to do list but the sabbath is a commandment. Keeping it is obedience to God, and trusting in God's ability to get things done and not your own.
It's taken a long time for me to realize this.
Hopefully I remember it.