It was once weird to think of Mexico as home for me. But it truly has become like a second home. I will always love Canada and I will always carry it around in my heart. But I have grown more and more in love with Mexico. It may be because the people are super nice, or the food is amazing, I don't really know.
I have been back for almost 2 weeks and as you know I am preparing for the Bible school coming up. There are many new faces around base. A new DTS started in June which is exciting for the base. This September is going to mark a major moment in YWAM and for YWAM San Diego Baja. This year is the 50th anniversary of YWAM and we are having a celebration here in Tijuana. Many people are coming from around the world to celebrate with us and I am looking forward to it.
We are also running our very first Leadership Training School (LTS) here in Tijuana. The LTS is meant to train people how to be godly leaders. There will be over 70 students in the school and if you add their kids that means there will be about 100 people here in Tijuana for the LTS. That means that for every meal there will be between 150 to 200 people eating on base!
God has really been working here. When I first came in 2009 there was only 20 people at dinner for a few months but now it's odd to have less than 50. God has been exploding His ministry here and I am excited to see what He will do next. Thank you all for your support and prayers! God Bless and please remember to pray for us in the future!