During the course of this Bible school I've noticed that there have been a couple of theme's running through every book. Whether it's Genesis, Philemon, or Kings their has been a red thread connecting them all. They have all been speaking to me specifically about faith, trust, waiting and seeking God. The Faith theme has really stood out though, more than the others. As I look back through the course the most impacting story has to be Abraham. Which is not surprising seeing as he is credited to be our father of faith.
I have really fallen in love with Abraham's story. The faith that he had is something that I want to have and strive for. I was challenged by Genesis 12:1. God didn't tell Abram where he was to go He just said move out of your fathers house to the land I'll show you. And Abram left, He moved. He didn't wait for confirmation, he didn't wait for God to say where, he just packed up his family and possessions and moved. People must have thought he was crazy! But that didn't matter. I think to often I get caught up in being sure of things. I realized I'm partially scared of the unknown. I want to be sure of my future. Where I'll be, what I'll be doing, when I'll be going and who with. I want to be positive that the next step is the right step. But I've realized that sometimes God doesn't give you all the answers. Sometimes He just wants us to walk in faith while He gives us one step at a time.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard this message but finally I get it. It's one thing to hear something preached but it's another to live through it.
I'm not positive what's next, and I'm not sure how I'll get there or when it will happen. But God has the master plan and I have faith that He will direct me on the path. All I have to do is to continue walking and seeking Him first, listening for His direction.
Thanks for your prayers and support!! They've been greatly appreciated, more than you know!! God Bless and I'll talk to you soon:)